A growing number of Americans are pointing to immigration as a top concern heading into the election. But a substantive debate on the issue has become impossible, given that Donald Trump and his vice-presidential candidate,
The politics of immigration look different from communities on the Southwest border that are voting in hotly contested congressional races
Democratic Gov. Tim Walz stepped onstage at a high school aptly named Freedom and touted his party’s inclusivity, and Republican Sen. JD Vance stumped in a fairgrounds farm stand draped in American flags, promising mass deportations to approving cheers.
Vice President Kamala Harris sought to capitalize on the star power of Oprah Winfrey and a host of Hollywood celebrities to help her win over persuadable voters during an online rally Thursday night that ranged from participants’ searing accounts of personal loss and trauma to the Democrat’s unguarded remark about her own gun ownership.
A top immigration advocacy group with deep ties to Democratic officials is launching a website compiling data including polling, disinformation tracking, ad spending and political positioning on immigration.
Republican Allen Waters seeks to unseat freshmen incumbent U.S. Rep. Gabe Amo in the November election.Waters talks about why this campaign is different, Biden
The Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission and Arizona Media Association are partnering to make Arizona’s 2024 debates the most accessible in Arizona history. See the full debate agenda on our
Trump's visit to North Carolina comes off the heels of a CNN report about Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson’s alleged posts on a pornography website’s message board.
Vice President Kamala Harris has so far largely avoided confronting Donald Trump on some of his most racially inflammatory policy proposals – even as she continues to underperform among the Hispanic and Black voters who could face the harshest consequences from the former president’s plans.
Arizona lawmakers Sen. John Kavanagh and Rep. Analise Ortiz debated a Republican-devised migration control measure voters will see on the ballot.