Long before carriers of autosomal-dominant AD mutations notice the first hints of memory loss, changes in their brains are ...
Hot Spot. GWAS of tau PET scans found a single locus where SNPs (circles) were associated with higher tangle loads. The strongest signal came from SNP rs2113389 (gray diamond). [Courtesy of Nho et al.
The findings indicate that early changes in brain activity—happening in parallel with Aβ and tau accumulation—can predict future cognitive decline. “This suggests that we may be able to detect ...
Driving the Amyloid Cascade? A microglial subtype, Mic.12, promotes plaque deposition, while another, Mic.13, promotes ...
About two-thirds of people with Alzheimer’s disease are women, yet due to the challenges in studying X chromosomes, a genetic foundation for this has been difficult to uncover. Now, two large ...
She co-leads that institution’s MODEL-AD core along with Bruce Lamb. MODEL-AD aims to create mouse models that reflect different biological subtypes of AD that have been found in people, in hopes of ...
Two Types. Confocal microscopy reveals α-synuclein (green) and lipids (red) in three adjacent inclusions (left and right). The white arrows point to Type I inclusions loaded with lipids. Blue ...
Immunotherapy can remove extracellular amyloid plaques from Alzheimer’s brain, but has so far failed to clear intracellular tau tangles. Now, two papers propose a solution: tagging them for ...
PI and Co-founder International Group of Neuroscience, Neuroengineering and Neurophilosophy IGN(S,E,P) https://www.researchgate.net/lab/Juan-Fernando-Gomez-Molina-Lab ...