He tried to break into the food vending machines in via Riva Villasanta, in Pirri, but was stopped by the Carabinieri. A 46-year-old from Uta is in trouble, arrested by the military on charges of ...
The 47-year-old arrested says he is "sorry", but does not respond to the investigating judge. Detention in prison confirmed La Polizia davanti all'ambulatori dove è avvenuta l'aggressione "I'm ...
Rivers flooded and thousands of people evacuated with mayors who, as the rivers flood, invite people to stay on the upper floors or to leave their homes: in Emilia Romagna, especially in the ...
Investigations are underway to determine the causes of a fire that started last night in Telti, in the forecourt of a car repair shop located in the industrial area. A parked car was destroyed by ...
African swine fever has been eradicated in Sardinia and the European Commission, with a unanimous vote of the Member States, has decided to remove the last restrictive measures still in force on ...
A 5-hectare white hangar, which dwarfs the two chimneys of Ottana which, in front of it, look like two small stalks of straw rising into the sky, and capable of storing 20 megawatts. A huge ...
A 74-year-old man, Giampaolo Bregante, shot his wife, Cristina Marini. After the murder, he went to the police and confessed. According to initial reports, the man said he killed his wife to "put ...
A turning point in the investigation into the bomb that exploded this morning in via 18 dicembre, in Carbonia. A 68-year-old woman who had noticed a wooden box outside the gate of a private ...
The Carabinieri are executing a precautionary measure against Chiara, the 22-year-old accused of killing two newborns, a year apart, after giving birth to them in her home in Vignale di ...
Road accident this morning in Cagliari, around 9:45, at the intersection of via Cao di San Marco and via Bacaredda. A car and a motorcycle were involved in the crash. A couple of very young people ...
The “dissing” level goes up, the ex Dark Polo Gang brings up the family of the rapper from Rozzano. And the songs get millions of plays Tony Effe e Fedez (foto Instagram) The dissing between ...
Despite the order to leave Italy, he remained in our country. Therefore, personnel from the Immigration Office of the Sassari Police Headquarters accompanied a citizen of Nigerian origin to the ...