Una dirección dinámica al frente de un notable reparto y una Sinfónica de Galicia excepcional ofrecieron una noche de ...
One of the longest-running choral organisations in the UK, director Stephen Doughty talks about how the RSNO Chorus now ...
Si la mise en scène de Tobias Kratzer n'est pas dépourvue d'incohérences, elle réserve tout de même de grands moments de ...
Kahchun Wong conducts his first concert as The Hallé's Principal Condutor, concluding with Mahler's First Symphony.
An overview of Sibelius' first two symphonies from the perspective of an orchestral violinist.
Embarking on his fifth year with the Toronto Symphony, Gustavo Gimeno added several twists. Instead of, say, Beethoven’s ...
Une nouvelle saison s'ouvre, pleine de promesses... et d'artistes émergents, dont nous vous recommandons de suivre ...
Sur le vaste plateau du Corum, l'opéra de Verdi bénéficie d'une scénographie efficace, d'une direction musicale subtile et ...
What made Meredith Monk’s 2017 Cellular Songs staged cycle so exciting was that the songs seemed such a part of our shared ...
La ópera de cámara latinoamericana llega a España con el estreno en nuestro país de la Domitila de João Guilherme Ripper.
La saxofonista valenciana Xelo Giner presenta con éxito Emotional Intelligence Artificial. Un proyecto basado en la ...
After a heavily promoted but underwhelming opening night, the company gets the new season back on track with plenty of star ...