Former presidential chief of staff under the former Moon Jae-in administration called on the country to move towards a more realistic approach of a 'two-nation' ...
The parliamentary legislation committee will hold a hearing next week over an opposition-tabled motion to impeach a prosecutor who led an investigation into an illegal remittance ...
The National Assembly’s Gender Equality and Family Committee on Monday passed a revised bill that seeks to strengthen the level of punishment against digital sex crimes using ...
The entire route of the Korea Dulle Trail linking the three coasts surrounding the southern part of the Korean Peninsula and the inter-Korean border to the north has opened.The ...
The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency(SMPA) is investigating 74 people suspected of committing deepfake sex crimes through messenger app Telegram.During a regular ...
The presidential office rejected a request by ruling People Power Party(PPP) chair Han Dong-hoon to hold a private meeting with President Yoon Suk Yeol, saying separate ...
Two domestic helpers from the Philippines who were part of a government pilot project have left their posts in Seoul and are now unreachable. According to the labor ministry ...
The presidential office says it is the president’s duty to exercise his right to veto bills that are unconstitutional.An official at the top office conveyed the remarks ...
All takeoff and landing were suspended twice at Incheon International Airport due to North Korean trash balloons.According to the Incheon International Airport Corporation, ...
Jeonbuk National University Law School professor Song Ki-choon is chairing a special independent committee to investigate the Itaewon crowd crush that killed 159 people ...
Exports decreased for the first 20 days of September because of the timing of the Chuseok holiday. According to preliminary data from the Korea Customs Service on Monday, ...
South Korea's population is forecast to dip 30 spots in the world ranking in line with the current declining trend.According to a report by Statistics Korea on Monday, ...