The American Benjamin Franklin is often credited with inventing the lightning rod, among other things brought to light by his ...
A recent international study, led by Associate Professor Henrik Drake from Linnaeus University, has uncovered groundbreaking ...
Un nuevo estudio de investigación internacional, liderado por Henrik Drake, Profesor Asociado de Ciencias Ambientales en la ...
A team of archaeologists has uncovered the remains of an ancient and previously unknown agricultural civilization in Morocco, ...
Arqueólogos han descubierto en Marruecos una antigua y hasta ahora desconocida civilización agrícola datada entre 3400 y 2900 ...
A group of researchers from the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Pisa has identified a new climatic period ...
Un grupo de investigadores del Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra de la Universidad de Pisa ha identificado un nuevo ...
Marie Byrd Land is a vast territory that, due to its immense size and location in the most inhospitable continent on the ...
La Tierra de Marie Byrd es un vasto territorio que, debido su tamaño imponente y su localización en el continente más ...
A multidisciplinary team of researchers from several German institutions, including the Zuse Institute Berlin and the Free ...
Un equipo multidisciplinar de investigadores de varias instituciones alemanas, incluyendo el Instituto Zuse de Berlín y la ...
Billions of years ago, a star may have passed incredibly close to our Solar System, triggering a series of cosmic events that ...