In 600 BCE, Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus noticed that when he rubbed fur on amber, the fur attracted dust. That tiny ...
The team, led by Farhanul Hasan, Professor Joe Burchett and eight co-authors, published their findings ' Filaments of the ...
The new footage however reveals an octopus punching at fish that get out of line. This aggression was often directed at ...
The world's oceans are close to becoming too acidic to properly sustain marine life or help stabilise the climate, a new ...
Their shapes are the result of the "funhouse mirror" effect that stretches their apparitions. The galaxy labeled "4a, 4b, 4c, ...
A laboratory experiment conducted by an international team of researchers has confirmed that the X-rays emitted by a suitably ...
The findings suggest that symptoms of Alzheimer's are closely linked to the makeup of the gut. Today, evidence strongly ...
Hundreds of years ago, the people who lived nearby carved the ground with giant lines to create pictures and symbols that can ...
Bacteria can develop a heightened new sensitivity to acid levels when exposed to different environmental extremes in the ...
Hydra oligactis, a freshwater creature related to jellyfish and sea anemones that is considered 'immortal' in many ways, ...
Researchers have reconstructed the oldest human genomes ever found in South Africa from two people who lived around 10,000 ...
But one tiny organism, notorious for its ability to return to life after a trip to space, being frozen or boiled, asphyxiated ...