Recently, Science and Technology Daily hosted a panel discussion, "Tech with Heart, AI for Good", on how AI empowers life and bridges human limitations but also needs guard rails to ensure it remains ...
Luis Crusiol, a visiting researcher at Embrapa Soja (an institution developing technologies for soybean production in Brazil) ...
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and the 15th anniversary of ...
To enhance Sino-European and Sino-Swiss scientific dialogue and cultural exchange in the aerospace field, the China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC) and Swissnex jointly hosted a ...
In its latest efforts to become a key player in China's rapidly evolving AI landscape, Sichuan province in southwest China ...
What do you think when you hear of a magazine called Molecular Plant? Is it about molecular cuisine or growing molecule-size ...
In the context of global economic integration and rapid technological development, standardization has become a pivotal factor in promoting sustainable economic development. On December 13, a large ...
记者从广西植物研究所获悉,该研究所“中国西南—中南半岛喀斯特植物多样性保育与可持续利用创新团队”新发现10种广西喀斯特地区植物分类群,分别为飞燕石山苣苔、盛宇报春苣苔、黄鹦报春苣苔、拟报春苣苔、华丽报春苣苔、金翅报春苣苔和4个新变种——黄花龙州小花苣 ...
记者从中铁建南方建设投资有限公司获悉,28日,在深圳地铁开通20周年之际,深圳5条地铁新线集中通车——地铁3号线四期、7号线二期、11号线二期、12号线二期、13号线南段开通初期运营,新增里程约28公里。至此,深圳市城市轨道交通运营线路达到18条(含有轨电车),运营总里程595.1公里、车站417座,深圳轨道交通一体化进入新阶段。 据介绍,今年开通的地铁新线,不仅是深圳轨道交通工程技术上的突破,也 ...
此前,我国首型075两栖攻击舰已经列装人民海军,新型号076型两栖攻击舰与之相比有什么新本领?27日下水的四川舰,满载排水量达4万多吨,可搭载固定翼飞机、直升机、两栖装备等,这个大块头和航母的区别在哪?两者能够如何配合?另外,作为我国海军新一代两栖攻 ...