Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry is cutting through the red tape that was landing families with housing vouchers in local shelters.
Sketch the Square, Fiddle Fiesta, Back to School Party/Movie Night and a historical walk through Euclid Beach Park this week in Cleveland.
Juvenile Court Magistrate Mark Stanton challenged media reports about how private attorneys represent kids in Cuyahoga County.
The City of Cleveland has been more cooperative with the Cleveland Police Monitoring Team, which has led to progress on the ...
The Cleveland Police Monitoring Team found that current policy allowed the promotion of an officer whose lies landed a man in ...
Tasha Nickols is one working-class Clevelander whose wages didn't keep up with rent. Even with a voucher, her family was homeless for months.
Cleveland crime survivors will join thousands in Washington, D.C., for the Crime Survivors Speak March on Washington.
Cleveland City Council is promising more oversight of city spending as it gears up to watchdog the next city budget.
Public commenters both for and against a proposed gas station on Cleveland's West Side in Ward 11 spoke to Cleveland City Council.
The money needed for an EMS quick response team (QRT) for opioid-related incidents would come from the Ohio Attorney General’s office.
Moreno’s financial advantage is fueled entirely by outside groups. His biggest backers are Defend American Jobs, a political group tied to the cryptocurrency industry, which spent $22.8 million, and ...
Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s upcoming tax levy, which appears on the November ballot as Issue 49, has not vocal opposition.