ORS 181A.250—prohibits police from collecting or maintaining information about the political, religious, or social views, and ...
The CDC's provisional data did not include any breakdown by substance, but according to NIDA, in recent years, fentanyl and ...
A bill to reauthorize the drug czar's office has been filed, the Czech Republic is moving toward marijuana legalization, and more. A bipartisan group of lawmakers has filed a marijuana legalization ...
A small-town Utah police chief develops a bad habit, a small-town Texas police chief and her fellow cop partner had a side business slinging meth, and more. Let's get to it: In Gunnison, Utah, the ...
From its coca-growing fiefdom in the country's southwest, Colombia's second-largest dissident FARC faction says peace talks with the government are stalled, and more. A new day dawns in Oregon, but it ...
The country's first experiment with state-level decriminalization of drug possession is over, but what will change -- other than more drug arrests? The nation's first experiment with state-level ...
North Dakota lawmakers have come up with a revenue and expense estimate if a marijuana legalization initiative passes, a Swedish labor court has ruled for employers in a drug testing case, and more.
Amidst all the Trump-Harris hoopla, it is easy to forget that the presidential race is not the only thing on the ballot. [Editor's Note: So sorry, Cornhuskers! We forgot the Nebraska medical marijuana ...