Mario Draghi, the former Italian prime minister and former President of the European Central Bank, presented his long-awaited ...
A comprehensive review of the financial services landscape is necessary for the EU to address structural inefficiencies, ...
If Europe wants to stay ahead of the curve and be able to follow – and eventually lead – its international counterparts, the ...
During these frantic days at the beginning of a new mandate, at a time when the new College of Commissioners is being formed, ...
It’s the same old story – when push comes to shove, no one wants to pay, especially for sustainability. We want more ...
Landing on Ursula von der Leyen’s desk just as she’s putting together the new College of Commissioners, the long-awaited report by Mario Draghi on ‘the future of European competitiveness’ totals almos ...
Ensuring consumer protection has always been one of the focus of EU payments policies. Recent initiatives, such as PSD2, PSD3, PSR and the Instant Payments Regulation have tried to guarantee security ...
Creating clean and competitive industries within Europe will be one of the key priorities of the next Commission. A shift to greener industries will cause changes in labour markets and people’s lives, ...
Halfway through its implementation, the InvestEU programme is in full swing. 17 guarantee agreements have been signed with implementing partners, covering all EU Member States. Investments and ...