The American Benjamin Franklin is often credited with inventing the lightning rod, among other things brought to light by his ...
A recent international study, led by Associate Professor Henrik Drake from Linnaeus University, has uncovered groundbreaking ...
A group of researchers from the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Pisa has identified a new climatic period ...
A team of archaeologists has uncovered the remains of an ancient and previously unknown agricultural civilization in Morocco, ...
Marie Byrd Land is a vast territory that, due to its immense size and location in the most inhospitable continent on the ...
View of the decorated room from behind the queen's throne. Credit: Lisa Trever / Pañamarca Digital / Denver Museum of Nature ...
Most historical civilizations, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, Greeks, Mayans… used natural measures ...
Skull with perforating bronze arrowhead (approx. 35mm) found at Weltzin 20 (North). Note the damage to the tip of the ...
In the heart of the rugged landscape of Hardangervidda, a vast mountainous plateau in Norway, a group of archaeologists, on foot and carrying tools, have retraced the steps of ancient travelers by ...
Almost everyone has at least heard of Daniel Defoe, or at the very least, his most famous work: The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a Sailor of York. But aside from novels, Defoe ...
A team of researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is conducting excavations at the Nessana site, located in the southwestern Negev desert on the border between Israel and Egypt. This ...