EADV: New data reinforce Sanofi’s innovative approach and leadership across immune-mediated skin diseases 24 abstracts for Dupixent, including 4 oral presentations, highlight impact of ...
Dupixent recommended for EU approval by the CHMP to treat eosinophilic esophagitis in children as young as 1 year old Recommendation based on a phase 3 study showing a significantly ...
On November 19, 2018 Christophe Babule has been appointed Executive Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer and member of L'Oréal's Executive Committee as of mid-February 2019. Christophe Babule has ...
We want to build a healthier, more resilient world. We turn the impossible into the possible by discovering, developing, and delivering medicines and vaccines for millions of people around the world.
Nous sommes fiers d’être partenaire Premium des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Paris 2024. La science et le sport ont beaucoup en commun. Comme les athlètes, nous repoussons nos limites pour ...
Bien que le phénomène de l’aggravation associée à l’inflammation neuroinflammatoire dans la sclérose en plaques soit largement reconnu par la communauté médicale, il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour ...
The phenomenon of smoldering-associated worsening in multiple sclerosis has been widely accepted by the medical community, yet much work is needed to fully integrate it into clinical practice.
Second quarter 2024 results were reviewed by management during a conference call with the financial community. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session. Thursday July 25, 2024 14:30 - 16:00 CET ...
L’hémophilie est une affection rare, héréditaire, à vie dans laquelle le sang d’une personne ne coagule pas correctement en raison d’un manque de protéines appelées facteurs de coagulation. Par ...
Sanofi, RadioMedix, and Orano Med announce licensing agreement on next-generation radioligand medicine for rare cancers Paris, France, and Houston, Texas, ...
Hemophilia can affect nearly every aspect of a person’s life, but these daily impacts are often overlooked, and current solutions rarely go beyond medical care. Sanofi is committed to working with the ...
ERS: Dupixent data reinforce clinically meaningful benefit from pooled analysis of two COPD phase 3 studies Pooled results from the BOREAS and NOTUS studies show meaningful clinical benefit ...